The Original TEAM USA! (2005)
This is Team USA on its way to TOTO 2004. From left to right... Wiz-Pop (Ryan), Mr. Wizard (Keith), WizardMaster (Angel), Dr. Wizard (Kevin), Ms. Wizard (Julie), and Whiza (Kayla)inal "TEAM USA":
SATO Tournament (2004)
The "Final 4" of the SATO tournament. From left to right: Mr. Wizard (4th), Merlin aka cheater (1st), Dr. Wizard (2nd), Garoni (3rd)
Scary pic of Wizard Enthusiasts (2003) From the left, April (also April in Wizard Cards web site) holding Parker and Gage standing in front of her, Victor Jr. (victor1), Victor Sr. (BiggerBrat), Joan, and Ken (Wizard).