Monday, June 27, 2016

Wizard in Transition

Wizard: Top 10
From time to time we have had to make adjustments to rules for the Top 10.
At one time there had to be at least 200 different players participating during the month. At another time Master Points were awarded after 2 months of play, not one.
As of June 27, 2016 there are fewer than 60 players who have participated and only 7 have qualified by playing 40 or more games. Of the 7 qualifiers only 3 have scores that are not Negative.
In effect that means that anyone who plays 40+ games receives Master Points regardless of how well they play.
Consequently effective for the month of JULY Master Points will only be awarded to the top 5 (not 10) as follows:

1st.......40 MP

Also MP will only be awarded for Positive scores.

We will proceed on a monthly basis making additional modifications as required. Merlin will decide what changes, if any, will be made to the “Top 10 invitational Tournament”.
At some point “Wizard on Facebook” will become the standard site for game play.
Ken Fisher