Saturday, December 21, 2019

WIZARD 2020 (Time Limits)

Wizard 2020 Time-Outs
There are 2 time limitations.
1. The bid/play time limit is set at 30 seconds. This means that you have 30 seconds to bid and/or play.
2. The BRB button (Be Right Back) box can only be used by a person once during a game and allows a 3-minute absence before the computer takes over.

Note: The "Sit Out" box is used if, for whatever reason, you have to leave the game and may not be able to return. The program will take over and allow the game to continue. If you do want to rejoin click the "Rejoin the Game" box.


  1. Ken--- this all looks fantastic and it will be easy to use. I agree 100% with you that shutting off the old system and having everyone use this new version to debug it will be the best way to proceed. People should not worry about winning/losing/master points or anything other than working out this new system and seeing what the positives and negatives are. Maybe the negatives get fixed and maybe they don't, but the positives will greatly enhance the game playing experience. I thank you for doing this and being so committed to making this a better site--- a site that we all love now, to varying degrees, but a site nonetheless that you are hoping to make better.

  2. Thanks. It was a great site but time has passed it by so few can access it properly. The new program will have bugs but with cooperation and feedback we can "make Wizard great again!".
