Friday, May 28, 2021

Rare but Possible Hands in "Camelot Wizard"

 Strange combinations can appear in the world of "Wizard Camelot" 

The rules state:
If only Jesters are played in a round, (including when Merlin is played as a Jester) the first jester played wins the trick.

Example: In a 6-player game, the cards are played as follows on the last trick of hand that is one underbid.
All players have made their bids and nobody wants this last trick. The cards are played as follows.

A. Holy Gail  B. Merlin (As Jester)  C. Jester  D. Morgan Le Fay  E. Excalibur   F. Jester

Who wins the trick?

A. Holy Grail is played in an odd position so it is a loser.
B. Merlin is played as a Jester so is an expected loser.
C. Jester is played as an expected loser.
D. Morgan Le Fay loses because the Holy Grail is played in the same trick.
E. Excalibur nullifies the trick.
F. Jester is again expected to lose.

So who wins the trick?
Answer. B wins the trick.
Why? The Merlin card was played as a Jester. The first Jester played wins the trick.

* However, because the Excalibur card nullifies the trick, every player makes his/her bid.
* Because "B" made his bid (the last trick won does not count) and he also took the "Holy Grail" card he is awarded an extra 20 points on the scorecard

Note. Regarding the rule: "
If only Jesters are played in a round, (including when Merlin is played as a Jester) the first jester played wins the trick."
Although it is not stated in the "Rules Pamphlet" the rule implies that "other special cards" that do not impact the winner of the trick are to be ignored.

* Other special cards" include: Holy Grail in odd position, Excalibur, Morgan Le Fay when  Holy Grail is also played.

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