Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wizard Update 2

Wizard Update #2
"The only thing that does not change is change itself"
The Past
In the normal sequence of events a company agrees to pay a royalty to a board game designer for the exclusive right to market a game. No company showed any interest in “Wizard” so capital was raised, the game produced and local sales initiated. When sales increased, game companies became interested and eventually “U.S. Games Systems” of Stamford, Connecticut acquired exclusive rights to the “Wizard Card Game”. At this juncture Wizard’s role was to relax and wait for royalties to arrive. However, a website was developed, tournaments organized, and promotional materials developed. “U.S. Games Systems” made a number of attempts to expand sales beyond independent game stores, but the company had no accounts with the major retailers such as “Walmart” and “Target” and so “Wizard” remains unknown to most Americans. (In Canada the major chains do carry Wizard.) Stuart Kaplan, the owner and president of “U.S. Games Systems” and “Amigo-Spiele” of Germany agreed to swap their top games. This resulted in a breakthrough because the German version of “Wizard” became a phenomenal success. Sales of the game are approximately; Canada 10%, USA 10%, and Europe 80%. I am not aware of any current promotional initiatives by “U.S. Games Systems”
The Present
The “Wizard” website is located on our private server in the home of Victor Lawson, the original developer of the Wizard website. He has stated, “I am reevaluating how much longer I can sustain the current state including hosting the server, future game updates and future app updates.” Changes are coming.
(a) One option is to close everything down and be satisfied with receiving whatever royalties arrive.
(b) Move the website from our server to our current web-hosting service, “Moniker” located in Miami, Florida. However, Victor states, “It is not an option to use Moniker because the server is set up in a very specific way and the moniker servers are not.” (I do not understand this.)
(c) Move the server to the home of a Wizard enthusiast who is capable of attending to minor adjustments such as rebooting. No additional programming changes would be possible without hiring an independent programmer.
The quandary will remain until the programmer decides exactly what he plans to do and when he plans to do it. Until then everything is on hold. The only thing we can be sure of is ‘changes are coming”.

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